Interaction Booth

A featureless, almost unnerving room of red, with a slight elevation in the middle. Although it seems to just be something's possible there is more to this place. The left wall has been destroyed, leaving a spreading abyss.

Clober: She immediately races inside, The Destroyer following her lead.

"Hey!! What are you guys doing?? Huh?"

⚇ : "ah, hello! :}"

☍ : "I'm eating!"

⤧ : "so am i"

⚇ : "i just had a few things i wanted to relay to hitori. long as it gets to them somehow, i dont mind whether theyre actually here."

Θ : "im just here :') observing ^-^"

Clober: "Wait, deities eat? That's a little-"

True Destroyer: He grabs Clober by her leafy scruff, pulling her back. "Careful! There's ah, a bit of the floor missing...I'd rather you not fall into the void. That stuff might just erase you from existence!"

Clober: "It WHAT!?"

True Destroyer: "M-Might! Might. I dunno, I haven't gone skinny dipping in it!"

He huffs, taking his hand off of Clober. "...Anyways, what did you guys want? To relay something to Hitori?"

...Their tone has changed. From their usually high-pitched self, to something more...restrained. Shy. Uncertain.

⚇ : "well, just me. but, yes!"

☍ : "No, now that you mention it I wanna say some scccchtuff too!"

⚇ : "first of all: i just wanted them to know that... based on what the author told me... it's going to get worse before it gets better. and thats alright, i think. i dont know if itll end good or bad, but, uh... the hitori economy will go down, so to speak."

⚇ : "you... dont need to tell them that if you think itll hurt them. but i think it might help. just to know."

⤧ : "the hitoriconomy?"

Clober: "...Author? We're not in some weird story, god guy. But...I guess we'll remember that."

⚇ : "dont worry about it, clober. dont worry about it."

⚇ : "and uh. as for the second thing..."

⚇ : "i think the censor bar is hiding more than just their eyes."

True Destroyer: "Ooooh? Even with the curse Wren has on you guys, you still are useful! ...But uh, what do you mean by that?"

⚇ : "well. we find them to be... somewhat familiar. but you all do not."

⚇ : "i believe the antimemetic effect of the censor bar may be hiding their identity."

⚇ : cough. hack

Clober: "...Did they say something else there?"

True Destroyer: "...Huh. Oh dear."

He seems to realize something...eyes widening, and he looks out into the void. A small mumble comes out of him.

"...Something about Hitori...Wren is trying to hide from us, aren't they? But, even I don't know it, so what...?"

⚇ : "well, wren wanting to hide it is a hint in and of itself..."

☍ : "What can I say? They're just a special lil' guy!"

☆ : "I think we just have to wish you good luck. Maybe you should try checking the archives for something that might ring a bell, but that's about it."

⚇ : "...imagine, say, forgetting what the colour red is."

⚇ : "you could still see the colour red. but you may not be able to describe, or articulate, what colour it is."

⚇ : "you might say that it is purple, or orange."

⚇ : "you wouldn't know the word 'red'. you wouldn't know what you were looking at was 'red', even though you could still see it clearly. you would be unable to make that connection in your mind."

⚇ : "now imagine knowing exactly what the colour red is, but... being unable to identify, say, a red apple as red."

⚇ : "you could identify a red pepper as red, or a cherry as red, or this room as red. but if you saw a red apple, you wouldn't even know that it's red."

⚇ : "you would think it was purple, or orange."

⚇ : "the censor bar... has turned hitori into a red apple."

⚇ : "we can still see the colour of the apple for what it is. we dont know why its red, though."

Clober: She's quiet, listening to this deity speak. All of those is rather difficult to comprehend them all, but...something clicks.

"...So, something is making Hitori's identity obscured? Or like...making it hard to figure out? Something like that?"

Θ : "like seeing the back of ur friend's head in a crowd n they turn around and Uh Oh! wrong person :3 (i think?)"

Θ : "i think that's what its talking abt :'3"

⚇ : "yes, that is what i mean!"

⚇ : "and that we, as deities, have more perspective, so we can make better guesses at the nature of their problem, but we still do not have the answers to why they are that way."

⚇ : "or to who they are, for that matter."

Clober: "Hmm...I think I get it. It's...confusing, but I do wanna try and help that guy. And this is interesting enough for-"

They glance at The Destroyer, only to see...

True Destroyer: ...That they're tearing up again, crying as they stare into that endless void. Silent, Wordless.

⚇ : "...i have received word that i may have just doomed hitori to death. either hitori, or you, clober. careful, okay?"

⚇ : "that, or myself. ...i believe i have made someone very angry."

⚇ : "oh well. if this is the way my narrative ends, then so be it. at least i have helped someone."

Clober: "H-Huh? Wait, what does that mean!? Prawn dude, are you..."

True Destroyer: "..."

It is as if he is witnessing the rapture. He takes a step back.

"M...Mom...wait, don't..."

⚇ : "hah. ahaha... i'm sorry, i'm sorry..."

⚇ : (drops of blood begin to appear on the pedestal. ...judging by the way these things work, it is safe to assume they are being put there willingly and deliberately...)

⚇ : "is that enough? will that be enough?"

Clober: "Ghk-!! What is--"

True Destroyer: Her words are cut off by The Destroyer grabbing her, and running out of the booth.

Θ : "o… oh dear…."

⚇ : "i believe this will be my last."

⚇ : "goodbye, everyone."

☆ : "...I left for five minutes."

⚇ : "perhaps i have doomed this narrative all along...?"

Θ : "wait..! you can’t just… cease existing if that’s what you’re getting at-"

⚇ : "it's not my choice to make~"

???: ...

Something grabs the grand deity of fiction. Like a hand, tugging onto the soul...

...Until one more deity's voice is snuffed away.

???: ...But the blood remaining on that pedestal...

...It forms into something. Something uncertain. But, familiar.


An apple.

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