It's...odd. The only door in this place that could possibly head outside is locked tightly, guarded by what looks to be a number code and an entire loaded machine gun. Surrounding this door looks to be a strange, almost expansive living space, leading to a door to the theatre room and access to the main hallway.
Don: Beep beep beep boop boop!
Inputting the numbers, Don watches as the number pad gives a bit of a light show, calculating his input...
Before flashing a brilliant red.
"Oh. Oh dear."
He hears the sound of the nearby machine gun whirring, turning on...
Like a cat, he leaps away in the nick of time, barely dodging the gun's precise aim as he hides behind a couch. The gun blasts bullets through the furiture's thick frame...but eventually exhausts, finally shutting off. The room is left a bruised, hole-filled mess...but he's still alive!
Arsenic: The loud sound of a gun going off certaintly didn't fall upon no other ears. Arsenic bursts into the room, frantic.
"W-Wh-!? What the hell happened!? Wh..."
She looks at the gun, currently turning off.
She looks at the blasted-up couch...and then at Don Donnet, who is peeking his head out sheepishly.
...She growls, tail hung low in annoyance.
"...You again."
Don: "Oh! It's the one that wants to kill me! Aaaah!!"
As if a child playing pretend, they hide back behind the couch. Their faint, anxious laughter can still be heard, the prota shuffling with their hands.
Arsenic: ...She walks around the couch.
"I'm not going to kill you. I'm trying...very hard to move past that so I don't also end up dead," She admits. "But now I'm just did someone as pathetic as you do something that horrible?"
Don: Blink. Blink.
"Pathetic? Ahah...I'm not pathetic! I'm an acclaimed clone of an acclaimed genius! I just so happened to have had a big grudge on the coporation which created me...and if I didn't do that, then Mix would have died! I would have escaped...but she wouldn't, hahah...!"
Arsenic: Her irritated glare shifts to that of intrigue, and she tilts her head. "...Why would she have died?"
Don: "Well DonCorp would still exist, with or without my prescence! They were trying to dismantle her, becuase, ahah...because she was faulty! She was...soulful. They wanted soulless machines, out of me and her. I c-couldn't let that happen, she's all I have! But, ahah...hah..."
Arsenic: ...
"I see. Well, you got what you the cost of countless innocent lives."
Don: ...He doesn't respond. He just stares at her, as if expecting her to do something or other.
Arsenic: "...Don't think I can ever forgive you. I wouldn't be here right now if I still had my family with me; if I still had anyone with me. And the moment we get out of here, I'll hunt your ass down. For now, live. Remember that."
Don: "That's okay! I'm just happy to, be here! And help Mix if I can!"
Arsenic: ...She can't tell if Don is oblivious to what she means, or just ignoring it. Regardless, she rolls her eyes as she walks off, quiet yet still bitter.
( told me to burn it all. But this man, who ruined my life by proxy...he has everything he could want. Someone who cares about him, most specifically.)
(How can I let him live? Where's the justice in this!? In any of this!?)
(...Brother, Sister, Dad...I'm sorry that he still walks the earth.)
Don: ...Huh. She's gone.
As soon as she's out of his sight, he pops up from the couch, skipping off from the scene as if nothing occured.