An enigmatic man who has lost his memory, not even remembering his own name. The protagonist. Stranger is levelheaded and rational, and often the first to act and take the lead in difficult situations. He's good at problem-solving, and (ironically for an amnesiac) has a pretty good memory, being able to keep track of various accounts and pieces of evidence during trials. He has a calm and rational personality, and is generally kind to others if he has no reason not to be. Stranger continues to help others in the game, despite the risk. He has quite a contemplative streak, and a world-weary personality despite his lack of memory. The Destroyer has confirmed that his memory was deliberately erased, and not simply lost. His card in Chapter 1 was the Wren, allowing him to request a favour from The Destroyer, and his card in Chapter 2 was The Loving, of which the effect is currently unknown. He prefers to go to bed at around 11 PM. Has been slowly regaining bits and pieces of his memories, mostly pertaining to a time on stage...