Surgery Room

A room covered in medical equipment, medicines, and most importantly, a surgical suite at its center. The room is covered in a soft green glow. None of the medical monitors appear to be working, though.

Ivan: ...There seems to be more to this room then what is already there at a glance.

Taking in the scenery for a moment, Ivan sees...

An odd, glittering, slimy substance all over the thin sheet on the bed, feeling like jellified blood in his talons as he rubs it.

"Blegh...what the hell is this? It sure isn't regular blood..."

Sniff. Sniff. He sniffs it, and flinches.

"Sure smells like it, though."

Arsenic: "Maybe someone bleeds glitter glue! Not that it matters too much...but hey, look!"

She's already in one of the cabinets, shuffling around. "Poisons and medicines as far as the eye can see! Holy fuck- They've got ricin, VX, maitotoxin!? Any of this could floor a prota in seconds!"

Ivan: "Then, uh...maybe we should get rid of that!? That sounds incredibly dangerous to just have lying around..."

Arsenic: "...Yeah, fair enough."

She opens a bottle of ricin, and begins eating the entire thing.

Ivan: "A-ARSENIC!?" He squawks in alarm, watching her chug the entirety of the liquid death without a care. He's about to have a freaking heart attack, until...

Arsenic: As she wipes some of it off of her face, she huffs. "Hm...tangy."

Then she notices Ivan's concerned look, feathers standing on end. "...Dude. I'm immune. Though I mentioned that before but, worries."

Ivan: ...He's too stunned to move.

"...U...Uuu...o-okay! Whatever you say!"

He continues watching worriedly as she drinks more and more poison, hiccuping often as she does. But considering just how much she's chugging down, she would have been dead already if she wasn't immune...he lets out a big breath.

"So, ah...ya think Dax would like this place? They're always talking about experiments, yeah?"

Arsenic: She finishes slurping some cyanide, and nods.

"Probably. I haven't seen the guy all day, but they'll learn about it when I do see 'em."

Ivan: "Oh yeaaaah....I haven't seem them either. Where have they been?"

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