Green Hallway

This hallway, unlike the others, seems to bend and distort weirdly as you walk through it. And when you get to the door on the other enter the yellow sector. A few doors also line the halls, like normal.

Ivan: "Arsenic- are you-"

He runs down the hall for a moment, before stopping, stumbling a bit on his feet.

"U...uuugh? What...the hell is with this hall...!?"

Arsenic: "Yeah, uuh...feel like I'm hallucinating when I'm in here. It seems so disorienting...but we're walking straight, I think, even if its confusing otherwise."

She shakes herself to try and straighten her posture, before walking into one of the rooms.

Ivan: "L-Let's hope the rooms aren't as weird, yeah?"

He follows behind.

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