014's Dorm

Firestarter: "ARSENIC!" Firestarter cries, rummaging through her belongings. She steps back in a panic, scritching her arms in alarm.

Arsenic: "Gh- huh!?"

Firestarter: "We went out to eat all of those stupid popsicles, yeah!? How long were we out for!?"

Arsenic: "About an hour. Why!?"

Firestarter: "Because how the HELL," she turns around to Arsenic, showing her empty hands, "does an ENTIRE FLAMETHROWER disappear in that amount of time!?"

Arsenic: "It's- It's missing!? Just gone!?"

Firestarter: "I wouldn't lie about this! My baby is..."

She begins sniffling. "It's GONE!"

Arsenic: She snarls at the realization, and instantly, her eyes dart to the vent in the corner of the room.
,br>It's open, the panel carelessly left on the floor. Her anger turns into seething rage.

"Someone took it, look!" She points. "Fucker used the vents AGAIN."

She hops on all fours, crawling over to the entrance as she starts yelling.

"BITCH! BITCH! BITCH!" She chants down into the vents with an increasing level of fury, as if the call will heed the culprit back to her.

015's Dorm

Hitori: ...A sleepy Hitori is woken up from a nap, hearing the faint sound of someone chanting "bitch" echoing through their vents. They rub their head in confusion, grunting.

014's Dorm

Firestarter: "Ghh...guess we got ANOTHER conniving asshole inconveniencing everyone. What the hell are they gonna do with it, even!? Only I know how to use it!"

Arsenic: Stopping her yelling, she looks back at Firestarter with a confused face. "It's a modified squirt gun, Firey."

Firestarter: "F-Firey- Nevermind that!! Still, playing with fire is a bad idea for ANYONE who isn't me! It's my brand! I can't have people taking it away!"

Arsenic: She gets off of the ground, desperately trying to keep her tail under control before it whacks Firestarter in anger. "I think we better round everyone up. Interrogate, and rip right through them. I got experience with interrogation methods, I've seen them all-"

The Destroyer: DING-DING-DING!

The Destroyer: "Ahem...Attention, attention! It seems like nobody is really making any moves on each other...was that crazy guy simply not killable enough!? Thankfully, I have a solution! Please come to the theatre room, all of you, for a very special reveal~!"

Arsenic: "...The hell!?"

Firestarter: "Oh. Well, at least everyone will be in one place! Surely whatever this is won't be that bad, so we can interro-gay or whatever you just said after! Off we go!"

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