Group Chat

Jasper: Hey...did anyone else get one of these tablets in their dorm?

MX-Z0: I assumed it was because of the "theme" my room had, but I also received one.

Bryan: These tablets feel ancient...and only 4 apps? There aren't even games on this thing...

Paradi: Is that really what you're complaining about?

Gust: io nthiunmk i can use nthbkixd

Jasper: Oh geez you're a nyric I forgot

Gust: 😢 😢 😢

Stranger: One of those four apps has a bunch of information about us on says you're a programmer, Jasper? I would never have guessed (edited)


Stranger: No. Do not "get" me. I beg of you

Jasper: Oh yeah! I program...well it says what I program I make software

Jasper: Nothing crazy really, but I made a game before where a little dog follows your cursor. I always played that whenever I felt stressed

Stranger: Dogs are cute.

Gust: azm ki za cskf olkf a dser

Paradi: Gust, I believe nobody can understand you still.

Gust: waaaaaaaaaaaaakkla

Bryan: While we're all checking these things out, did anyone find anything cool last night?

Paradi: There's a gaming room. And a weird blank room I couldn't find the meaning of...

Firestarter: Holy shit gaming

Firestarter: What kind of games do they have???

Paradi: All I saw was a PS5 and four controllers.

Paradi: ...There was also a copy of Sackboy: A Big Adventure. And that was really it

Firestarter: Wow thats the worst gaming ive ever seen

Firestarter: Can I set the ps5 on fire. Im pissed off now

Jasper: Please??? Please do not????

Bryan: Okokokoko wait wait

Bryan: Wait 'weird blank room'?

Bryan: what is that

Paradi: Like I said, I have no idea

Paradi: It's near the end of the hallway beside our dorms if you really want to investigate

Bryan: I'd like to know as much as I can while we're here

Bryan: Anyone coming with?

Stranger: ...Yeah, sure, why not

Jasper: Sure!

Bryan: Cool. Bryan signing off

Firestarter: What kind of name is Bryan anyways?? He sounds straight

MX-Z0: I am kindly asking you to cease.

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