It's...odd. The only door in this place that could possibly head outside is locked tightly, guarded by what looks to be a number code and an entire loaded machine gun. Surrounding this door looks to be a strange, almost expansive living space, leading to a door to the theatre room and access to the main hallway.
Jasper: "Hm- hm hmm~" He was humming to himself as he carried a small box of art supplies, bringing them out to the living room.
Arsenic: There, a certain someone was waiting for him on the floppy-looking couch, her wrecking ball of a tail thumping nervously. " you know how to paint?" She asked.
Jasper: "Not a clue," he replied. "But the dare never said it had to be good, right? Just that you had to paint, uh...what did you need to paint again?"
Arsenic: "...My 'favorite thing'."
Jasper: "Oh. See, not that bad! What's your favorite thing then?"
Arsenic: [Arsenic.exe has stopped responding. Please check back later.]
"Uh...uh...uhm, uhm-"
Oh dear. This is not like her at all...she seems stuck in an endless feedback loop of trying to say what in the world it is, and failing miserably to get the words out.
Jasper: "It's okay. You can tell me."
Arsenic: "...My favorite thing is poison."
Jasper: "Poison??"
Arsenic: "It's resourceful and effective. Also, I'm immune to it. It never harms me, only helps."
Jasper: Jasper seems...ever so slightly more unnerved than he did a few minutes ago. But he quickly shakes it off. "Well, why don't we draw a bottle of poison then? I can find a bottle of something for reference, we slap some poison label onto it, and bam! The dare's done."
Arsenic: "Well, when you put it that doesn't sound that bad."
Jasper: "Yeah," he says, getting up from the couch to look around for some sort of reference bottle. "Might take a few hours to complete, but other than that it's not that bad..."
Paradi: ...And this asshole walks by, a good 30 minutes into their painting session.
Arsenic: She glares at them.
Paradi: They stare back...and, with a smirk, just continue walking to check out the backstage door, walking inside and to who knows where.